The international conference ‚Involving V4 actors in EU development cooperation: prospects, opportunities, and challenges‘ will take place on 25 May 2023 in Bratislava (and also online via Zoom) and it will conclude our V4DevCo project bringing into the spotlight challenges related to the issue of the low engagement of V4 non-state actors in the EU development cooperation. The project is led by Polish Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE) in cooperation with other V4 partners: Czech Institute of International Relations Prague (IIR), Hungarian University of Pécs (UPECS) and our Slovak NGDO platform Ambrela.
The conference will be attended by the authors of the V4DevCo Guide which presents an analysis of the current situation and challenges in the field of the V4 non-state actors’ participation in the EU development funding programs, and provides recommendations to overcome them. This in person and online event will be also attended by development cooperation experts, decision-makers, members of academia and members of a broader general public from V4 countries. You are more than welcome to join us too (you can find a registration form here).
Conference snapshot:
Full conference agenda and invitation can be found here and on the V4DevCo project dedicated website: For further inquiry, please contact: or
The conference is an activity of the ‚V4DevCo – V4 Development Cooperation Trialogue: Reinforcing Synergies, Sharing Good Practices‘ project co-financed by the Governments of Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia through Visegrad Grants from International Visegrad Fund. The mission of the fund is to advance ideas for sustainable regional cooperation in Central Europe.
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