A Time for Collaboration: Tackling Pressing Issues in Development and Humanitarian Sectors
The world faces unprecedented challenges. The war in Ukraine has triggered a devastating humanitarian crisis, displacing millions, destroying basic infrastructure, and demanding a global response. The conflict in Gaza and the difficulties in delivering aid to those in need presents a different set of issues.
Meanwhile, development challenges such as climate change and food insecurity are becoming increasingly severe, especially in the Eastern Africa region. And, adding to all these difficulties, the space for civil society to operate freely is shrinking in parts of Europe.
The Ambrela Development Forum (ADF) 2024 emerges as a critical platform to navigate these complexities. ADF brings together a diverse range of stakeholders — including government officials, civil society leaders, international organisations, and private sector representatives — to foster collaboration between diverse stakeholders in order to build stronger development solutions.
Become part of the solution. Register for ‚Ambrela Development Forum 2024 – Building Bridges, Building Solutions‚ today! Join us on the 10th of October 2024 in the historic Moyzes Hall, Bratislava, Slovakia, for a day of thought-provoking discussions and collaborative action.
Ambrela Development Forum is an international conference organised by the Platform for Development Organizations – Ambrela in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign And European Affairs of the Slovak Republic. The 2023 year’s edition featured eight high-level panels and deep talks, as well as several side events and facilitated interactions among more than 100 participants from over 20 countries. Watch the ADF 2023 streamed videos on Facebook and YouTube.
Platform for Development Organizations – Ambrela is an umbrella organisation of 30 mostly non-governmental organisations in Slovakia, which focus on humanitarian aid, development cooperation, global citizenship education and sustainable development at home and abroad. In October 2023 Ambrela together with its members, donors and partners celebrated the 20th anniversary of platform’s existence and importance within the region. More information about Ambrela’s activities can be found at: www.ambrela.org.
Note: This ADF conference is funded by the MFEA Slovakia, SlovakAid, GENE, EEA and Norway grants, European Commission and EU under the project Stronger roots. Ambrela platform is solely responsible for its content and does not necessarily reflect the views of the SR or EU.
Copyright 2025 Ambrela – Platforma rozvojových organizácií. Táto stránka je financovaná zo zdrojov SR cez SlovakAid a EÚ cez Stronger Roots. Za obsah nesie výhradnú zodpovednosť Ambrela a nemusí nevyhnutne odrážať názory donorov.