Mark your calendars for the Ambrela Development Forum (ADF) 2023, happening on the 8th of November in the vibrant city of Bratislava, Slovakia.
What to expect:
– Up to 200 in person participants
– Donors and actors from around 20 countries
– 8 panel discussions and deep talks format
– Connecting communities of humanitarian and development practitioners
– Bridging the CEE actors with Ukraine, other partner countries, the European Commission (EC) and international organizations.
Unlock the Future:
Explore the latest trends and groundbreaking developments in a connected world.
Better quality time and space for networking (another venue than that in 2022, Moyzes hall), plus extra space for networking for November 9 morning part.
The ADF is dedicated to fostering collaboration across a variety of actors including civil society. We simply need to come together, talk, plan and support each other.
Expand Your Horizons:
Connect with visionary leaders and innovators from around the globe.
ADF 2023 will feature a wide range of panel discussions, workshops, and presentations covering the latest trends, innovations, and best practices in the field. Thematic focus primarily on Ukraine (3 exclusive panels, 3 panels secondarily on Ukraine), panel on Horn of Africa and Global citizenship education (GCE) and the future of liberal democracies.
Forge partnerships and spark innovation for a brighter tomorrow.
More and diversified number of actors and donors (EC, DG ECHO, DG INTPA, DG NEAR), UN agencies (WFP, UNHCR), partner countries (Ukraine, Kenya, Moldova etc.), national donors (Slovakia, Germany, Czechia etc.), policy makers, private foundations (OSF), corporations, INGOs (Oxfam, PAH, ACT Alliance EU, PIN CZ), non-traditional outside EU donors (Taiwan, Japan, South Korea), think tanks (ECDPM, CASE, The Centre for Humanitarian Action, DEMAS), EU CSO platforms (CONCORD, Eurodad, VOICE), national platforms (Austria, Germany, Sweden, Latvia, Romania, etc.) and NGOs and academia.
Don’t miss your chance to be part of this transformative experience in the heart of Bratislava. Watch the ADF 2022 atmosphere here. More info about the program and ADF speakers to be found here.
More info about the ADF organiser – Slovak Ambrela platform
Platform for Development Organizations – Ambrela is an umbrella organisation of 30+ mostly non-governmental organisations in Slovakia, which focus on humanitarian aid, development cooperation, global citizenship education and sustainable development at home and abroad. In October Ambrela together with its members, donors and partners celebrated the 20th anniversary of platform’s existance and importance within the region.
According to UNHCR since the start of the war in Ukraine in February 2022, over 1.3 million people have crossed the border into Slovakia. Close to 83 % are women and children, but there are also older people and those who need urgent medical care or who have disabilities. Therefore an international development community must also focus on the refugee and migration topic. Ambrela’s awareness campaigns and the upcoming Ambrela development forum (ADF) are thus gaining an increasing attention. ADF 2023 is a part of the SlovakAid Development Summit organised by MFEA Slovakia as a celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Official Development Assistance (ODA) of the Slovak Republic under the SlovakAid logo. More information about Ambrela’s activities can be found at:
Note: This ADF conference is funded by the MFEA Slovakia, SlovakAid, GENE, European Commission and EU under the project Stronger roots. Ambrela platform is solely responsible for its content and does not necessarily reflect the views of the SR or EU.
Copyright 2025 Ambrela – Platforma rozvojových organizácií. Táto stránka je financovaná zo zdrojov SR cez SlovakAid a EÚ cez Stronger Roots. Za obsah nesie výhradnú zodpovednosť Ambrela a nemusí nevyhnutne odrážať názory donorov.