Do you work for an NGO advancing democracy and development at home or abroad? Do you want to improve your internal and managerial capacities? Are you trying to introduce change and increase your effectiveness in public relations? Apply for the NGO Leadership Workshop which will take place in October and join us in Bratislava, Slovakia!
The objective of the Workshop is to empower selected civil society representatives to strengthen their internal expertise and managerial capacities in the field of human resources, public relations, and organizational change and assessment. You will learn how to communicate in post-factual times, how to set effective internal communication, how to retain and reward your employees, how to conduct strategic reviews and self-assessment, and many more. You will also enhance your abilities to engage with both general public and government stakeholders. You will also discuss how to build a productive board to advance your goals. This training will tailor its focus to the specific issues faced by the participants, leaders of NGOs active in the field of supporting democracy and development.
The Workshop is structured around presentations by distinguished experts and follow-up interactive small group discussions and Q&A sessions. The organizers will conduct a special survey of participants’ needs to guarantee narrow focus and tailor-made content.
The topics will include: motivation and rewarding of employees in non-profit setting, effective recruitment and how to retain employees, conflict management, succession planning, and more.
The topics will include: high level strategic reviews, design and use of organizational assessment tools and processes, theory of change, organizational change introduction, effective internal communication, internal transparency and management of sensitive information and more.
The topics will include: how to manage PR crises situations, communication in post-factual times, addressing hostility and propaganda, attracting media’s attention to your work, strategic networking, reputation building, branding, and more.
The content will be adjusted to selected participants’ specific needs and interests. The participants will have an opportunity to help shape the program through pre-training survey and needs assessment.
The NGO Leadership Workshop which will take place at the LOFT hotel in Bratislava, Slovakia on October 22 – 25.
The Workshop is open to 25 NGO leaders from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia. Only the applicants working in non-profit sector at one of the V4 countries are eligible to apply for the workshop. Participants will be selected through an open application process and will receive the training at no charge.
The Slovakia-based organizer, Slovak Non-governmental Development Organization Platform (MVRO), will reimburse the travel costs of the selected participants to and from Bratislava, including local travel, which are directly related to the NGO Leadership Workshop, according to the guidelines obtained after receiving confirmation of acceptance. MVRO will give approval for the proposed travel and will reimburse the costs, and cover accommodation costs of all the participants. You will be required to keep all original receipts, tickets, and boarding passes for financial reimbursement. At least one dinner and four lunches and coffee breaks will be provided by the organizer. Breakfast is included for the participants staying at the hotel. Participants are expected to cover the costs of other meals during the week.
Upon completion of the program, participants will receive a certificate jointly issued by the Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia at the University of Michigan (WCEE), the William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan (WDI), and Slovak Non-governmental Development Organization Platform (MVRO).
The deadline for applying is Thursday, July 25, 2019, CEST 23:59. Applications should be completed and submitted HERE.
The link does not allow for saving your information, so you may prefer to fill in the offline application form and copy and paste your answers from the form in the Word document attached to the email. Any questions should be sent to with the subject ‘NGO Workshop Application’. The applications will be evaluated and participants will be selected by WCEE, WDI, and the Slovak Non-governmental Development Organization Platform (MVRO). All applicants will receive a response by the 9th of August.
The working language of the Workshop is English. Therefore, advanced English language skills are required for successful completion of the Workshop.
The NGO Leadership Workshop brings together two organizations at the University of Michigan, both focused on strengthening democratic accountability – the Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia (WCEE) and the
William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan (WDI) – as well as the local insight of the Slovak Non-governmental Development Organizations Platform (MVRO), which works to support and advocate for organizations focused on international development, strengthening democracy and the development of civil society in Slovakia and abroad. The Workshop is funded by the WCEE.
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