About Ambrela Platform

What is Ambrela – Platform for Development Organisations

Ambrela – Platform for Development Organisations is an umbrella organisation of 30 mostly non-governmental organisations in Slovakia (17 full members, 13 observers) which focus on development cooperation, humanitarian aid, global development education and sustainable development at home and abroad. The platform represents the common interests of its members both domestically and internationally.

The goal of Ambrela – Platform for Development Organisations is:

  • to be one of the main actors, as well as a direct participant, in the field of development cooperation and foreign policy in the Slovak Republic, the European Union and other institutions which focus on sustainable development in less developed countries and/or in Slovakia,
  • to guide the awareness of Slovak people towards solidarity and mutual assistance and, in so doing, contribute to solving the problem of poverty, and humanitarian crisis in the world,
  • to provide its members with opportunities for development and professional growth.

The idea of Ambrela – Platform for Development Organisations was gradually formed from 1998, with the platform being formally launched in 2003 as an interest association of legal entities by 15 founding members. It was officially registered at the District Office in Bratislava and, in the same year, became one of the founding members of the European confederation of Relief and Development NGOs (CONCORD). In May 2010, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic (MFEA SR) and the Slovak NGDO Platform. This recognized the platform as an official partner of the MFA SR in commenting on and preparing key documents related to development policy and development cooperation, and defining a general framework for cooperation in the areas of development and humanitarian aid assistance.

Our key focus areas are: development cooperation, humanitarian aid, global development education and sustainable development at home and abroad. This includes:

  1. representing the common interests of Ambrela members in the areas of development cooperation, humanitarian aid, global development education and/or sustainable development at home and/or abroad,
  2. providing information on current developments in development cooperation, humanitarian aid, global development education and/or sustainable development at home and/or abroad, and on the possibilities of cooperation between Platform members in these areas,
  3. coordination of joint activities and projects of the platform members,
  4. cooperation with state administration bodies, local authorities and other entities in the field of development cooperation, humanitarian aid, global development education and/or sustainable development at home and/or abroad,
  5. active cooperation with foreign entities in the field of development cooperation, humanitarian aid, global development education and/or sustainable development at home and/or abroad,
  6. education of our members and the public, including seeking to influence public opinion,
  7. publishing materials (background papers, case studies, policy papers, reports) to support the work of the platform, our members and our aims.
  8. organising an international conference Ambrela development forum (ADF) to address the current humanitarian challenges in the CEE region and beyond.

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Stronger roots

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Bridge 47
North South Centre
EEA grants
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